Season 5, Episode 12 “A Greek Tragedy: The Final Act”

25 min readAug 3, 2021
Pat, Petra and Frankie’s Suite

Pat: *walks out to table* Good Morning.. *Sees Petra*

Pat Confessional: It’s awkward walking into breakfast but we need to talk


Petra: Good morning, Pat *looks at her*

Petra Confessional: Well…this awkward. Maybe I shouldn't have gone at Pat so aggressively last night, but those were my honest to god feelings.

Pat: *Sits* I think Frankie is still sleeping *pours Coffee*

Petra: *shrugs* Let’s let her sleep. I guess we need to address last night

Pat: Definitely. How are you feeling about all of it

Petra: Listen — I should not have come at you so hard, but I have noticed a pattern. You have your hand in all of these little beefs. I feel like you tell people certain things and sometimes lie and it just makes for a really hostile environment. Girl, I love having fun with you but I think you should look at how you treat your friends. I should have pulled you aside and had a private conversation like we’re having now. I apologize for that.

Pat: In all honesty, I don’t know what Beefs you are talking about. I honestly haven’t had any issues with anyone except for Courtney. Jocelyn quickly hopped on that train because she always wants to hate on me. I tried bringing Frankie and Jocelyn together and you and Jocelyn together to work out y’all’s differences *flashback to peacemaker pat* Then I bring Tiffany into the group and immediately she starts shading me *flashback to brunch at Pats house and Tiffany’s comments about Pats house* I wasn’t happy with her. You and I spoke and cleared the air about our past. I came to you privately last night to let you know what was being said.

Pat Confessional: Petra took me saying “She’s going to throw me under the bus” as me trying to clear my name in something I did. I never said anything about Petra sleeping with anyone..

Dr. Frankie

Frankie: *walks in yawning* Mornin ladies. How are you? *sits down and looks at the food being picky* What are we talking about now?

Pat: *looks at Frankie* Sit babe! The only reason I said, she’s going to blame it on me was because she did. Ask Frankie, she was there. She claimed I told her about you fucking a stripper. I never said that! I mean *looks at Petra* I trusted you with things about Tom and I, Why would I turn on you.

Petra: I appreciate that but it was the way you were doing it. I just don’t know why you had to be like ‘ooh she's going to say I did it’. It's just clearly this information has been talked about behind my back and I just felt like you were trying to cover it up. And its not like you’ve been totally truthful thus year.. Honestly, it was not the right time or place to bring it up because now it's making it about just this one comment or incident. Its just stuff i’ve been observing over the course of multiple years..

Pat: I had no clue she was going to say anything about you and strippers till she said it at sound check. *looks at Frankie* has anyone gossiped about Petra and a stripper before yesterday with Tiffany?

Frankie: No, not at all. I thought that was just Tiffany.

Petra: *nods at Frankie* And Pat, I hope you know no matter what point we are at i’d never air any of the things you've told me in confidence. Don't worry about that

Pat: Thank you. And not for nothing Petra, I would never judge you for things you’ve done in the past, unless it was to me. So as my friend, I ask the same

Frankie: Pat wouldn’t do you like that Petra. Thats why I stayed out of it.. I didn’t need anyone jumping on me.. and I can say that Pat is still messy but she’s changed to a certain degree.

Petra: Okay. Let’s just move forward. *nods* you're right people do change.

Pat: Tiffany is not to be trusted. There’s more to her than everyone knows

Petra: I’ll drop it, Pat and not worry about the past.

Pat Confessional

Pat Confessional: Petra and I have a legitimate friendship. I hope we can move on and be a united front.

Frankie: Now can we eat?

The table giggles as the scene transition to the next suite.

Annabel and Courtney’s Suite
Dr. Annabel

Annabel: *Walks out to balcony to have brunch*

Annabel Confessional: I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m hoping this time with Courtney will 1 give me a chance to finish a meal and just be able to talk like functioning adults. I don’t have any issues when it’s just her and I.


Courtney: *Walks out of the bathroom* Well Good morning Annabel!! Girl- how’d you sleep? Especially after that thing last night.

Annabel Confessional: What is she wearing? *laughs* I didn’t know we were having brunch in a strip club!

Annabel: *laughs* I slept ok. And what about you? Last night was terrible. You all were just throwing bombs left and right

Courtney Confessional: I slept on the couch last night because I didn’t know what Annabel and Pat had discussed after I was kicked out. So I did myself a favor and slept on the couch. *laughs*

Courtney: I’m just sad about the whole thing honestly- the fact that Pat decided to invite everybody to her one woman concert THEN start mess is beyond me. Now she’s acting as if everything was done to her. *acts scared* ohh woe is me!

Annabel: None of you were that nice. Jocelyn, Tiffany and my goodness Petra!

Courtney Confessional

Courtney Confessional: Pat has a track record for being a liar. First she lied and said Tom didn’t want to do the interview, LIE, then she said that Tiffany was doing the dirty, LIE. THEN she called herself pretty and a Queen?!? That’s triple homicide. LIAR!

Annabel: How good do you really know Pat? Do you know her history with the group? I’m sure Petra has told you stuff about her but did you ever get the chance to know her on your own?

Courtney: Uhhh I’ve tried on SEVERAL occasions. The first chance Pat got to belittle and disrespect me, she did. Don’t get me wrong. I can’t stand Tiffany either but at some point you got to get called out on your shit. MULTIPLE women who’ve been in this group longer than Pat has called her a liar. Even then ones who’s kissing her ass and being her dogs now!

Annabel: *looks* Is that what you’re calling me? Her dog? Come on now. You know you should stop trying to follow the pack…Because in the bed you’ll be the one who gets sacrificed.

Courtney: I’m not following anyone darling. You do realize that I only call two bitches here my friends *laughs* I have nobody here to even want to follow!

Annabel: *laughs* Ok Courtney. Look. You’re not so bad when it’s just you and I. So let’s just have some fun and eat up. Cuz girl, I’m hungry. *sips mimosa*

Courtney: Very hungry. I want to see you strut!! *laughs*

Courtney Confessional: Come through Pat. I’m sure she’s using that damn remote in the living room to program Annabel!

Courtney and Annabel eat as the scene transition to the next suite.


Jocelyn: *walks over* Good morning Dr. Rivers!

Dr. Tiffany

Tiffany: Good morning Madame Robinson! Look at these flowers Raheem sent me. I wonder what went wrong *giggles*

Jocelyn: I’m loving the shoulders. The kids must’ve broke a vase. *laughs* He has to compensate for the destructive kids

Tiffany: *opens up the letter and reads*

Jocelyn: I knew it *laughs*But Tiff, they’re your in-laws! Do you all not get along all the time?

Tiffany: Absolutely not! My mother-in-law is never satisfied and my father in law breaks vases, trips over my kids, and stinks up a room farting!

Tiffany Confessional: It’s a medical condition, we just deal with it and buy plenty of air freshener

Jocelyn: *looks stunned* Well, maybe you all need to send them to the nursing home. Because soon, the mother-in-law and father-in-law antics will interfere with you and Raheem’s marriage

Tiffany: Oh we don’t believe in that, and they wouldn’t forgive us *laughs and starts eating*

Jocelyn Confessional

Jocelyn Confessional: It’s not always the best idea to move parents into the home. It creates for more animosity. Especially when the mom and wife are not on the same page!

Jocelyn: Well since the wine cellar is ready, I’ll give you a few bottles for free! I’m sure you’ll need it *laughs*

Tiffany: I was just going to ask if it’s finished

Jocelyn: Oh it’s ready! I’m doing a party once we get back and I want you and Raheem to be there

Tiffany: We’ll definitely be there! I hope it’s not at the same time as a game, he might not come *giggles*

Jocelyn: I’ll have to check in with Donovan about that one. Are you ready to go? I’m looking forward to Athens

Tiffany: Let me finish this orange juice.. Let's get going!

Car pulls up to the Parthenon where Petra and Courtney get out

The Parthenon

Petra: *admires the Parthenon* Wow. This is amazing. Can you believe we’re here, Court?!


Courtney: This is absolutely amazing. So glad I can experience this with you guys. *takes pictures*So how are you feeling since the whole- you know…

Courtney Confessional: Honestly, I’m exhausted. These girls are just so fake, phony and boring. I’m not with it. Hopefully it’ll change. If not- Deuces.

Petra: *shrugs* Pat and I talked things out this morning. I expressed how I felt, and I still feel that way, but apologized because it should have been a private conversation between the two of us. How do you feel?

Courtney: Honestly, I’m tired. This group has been exhausting. I mean the experience is great but I’m just exhausted. Hopefully I can change that. It’s so draining anymore.

Petra: I’m sure it’ll change girl

Pat rolls up in and exits a car

Pat Confessional

Pat Confessional: No i’m not excited to spend time with Courtney but it is what it is. I’m not going to allow her to ruin my trip

Petra: Hey Pat, we’re over here

Pat: *Walks over to girls* hey girls.. sorry, glam took to fucking long

Courtney: Hey Pat. How’re you? *looking off into the distance*

Pat: I’m great! How are you

Courtney: I’m doing well. Thanks

Petra Confessional

Petra Confessional: You know how I said breakfast was awkward? Yeah well…this takes the cake. As much as I want them to get along, they are both two stubborn girls set in their views of one another. I already know this is going to turn into a fight so let's skip the chit chat.

Pat: *to Courtney* You seemed to enjoy the fight last night

Petra: *looks* Getting right into it, no lube *laughs to self*

Courtney: I definitely didn’t enjoy it. That was actually my first time in a long time I didn’t enjoy it.

Pat: Are you sure? Cause every time there’s an issue with me, you run your mouth

Courtney: You better be glad that all I did was run my mouth and not these receipts..

Petra: We all run our mouths..

Pat: So is this the real Courtney? The one who is backing down when her squad isn’t here?

Courtney: Who’s backing down?!? I’m definitely not backing down from a lying bitch like you

Petra: This all started with that whole interviewing tom thing. Maybe we should rewind and figure out what started everything so you can move on?

Courtney: I’ve been trying to play it cordial with you but you seem to always want to go there. Let’s do it baby!

Pat Confessional: Come on Wendy WHALEums give us the NEWS

Pat: Cordial? *laughs* You’ve been horrible to me. First, I allow you into my home. Then you try to get an interview with my husband.

Courtney: You’re a lying wench from the pit of hell! You know exactly what you lied about. *Pulls out Phone* Read this Petra. Who is this from?! Pat you’re a liar!!

Dr. Tom Texting Courtney

Courtney: You running around telling people that Tom declined the interview and I lied about it when in actuality you sent a cease and desist so nobody won’t expose your sugar baby relationship..

Petra: *reads message* Yeah. Pat sent the cease and desist, she told me *looks at Pat* You needed to be honest about this with the group and I haven't said anything about it thus far.

Pat: Of course, I needed to put a stop to it. I’m on tour, I don’t need your messy ass asking him questions about me. I sent it and i’ll fucking send it again to keep your ass out of MY BUSINESS! *points at Courtney* You should worry about your own family before you come poking around mine..

Courtney: You get in everybody’s business. *gets close to pat* don’t point at me bitch.

Petra: Woah woah guys stop! Look Pat all of this paints Courtney in a bad light…you not admitting it really could have destroyed her.

Pat: Petra EVERYONE hates Courtney

Petra: I dont!

Courtney: I don’t give a fuck who hates me!!! Bitch you’re no likable creature either. You broad shouldered wildebeest

Pat: My thing was nothing compared to her shit.. Tre doesn’t even want her at the Baby Gender Reveal. Tiffany and Jocelyn are USING YOU COURTNEY! OPEN YOUR EYES.

Courtney: Nobody has to use me. I’ve been fighting with you weak bitches since day one!!!

Pat: Bitch word on the street is your ass is going to JAIL

Courtney: Ohh now your hood report?!? Let’s talk about it then. You better give Tom back his money before you go too. Embezzling his money to take care of your sugar baby. Bitch you’re pathetic!

Pat: Great comeback sister! I make my own money. You didn’t make money till you bent over the desk of the executive at Good Morning Twitter!

Courtney: Every pretty girl doesn’t have to fuck her way to the top. You wouldn’t know though. You fuck half dead men for your money

Petra: I think its best if we all separate cars.

Pat: No stay! Enjoy! You need to enjoy freedom! I’ll go! See y’all tonight for dinner! *blows kiss*

Courtney: Bye bitch!! *walks aggressively to my car* I’m sick of this shit. Take this mic off me. *rips off mic*

Pat Confessional

Pat Confessional: Courtney is no match for the queen. Look at how she acts without the muscle queens to have her back. She’s pathetic!

The Delphi
Dr. Tiffany

Tiffany Confessional: A little outfit change never hurt anyone but the truth is I spilled orange juice on my white shirt *laughs*


Jocelyn: *stepping out of vehicle* Well we are here Athens Greece!

Dr. Annabel

Annabel Confessional: Athens here we come! First some sight seeing then shopping! We’ve got the Black Amex and a strong appetite for designers. Let’s go ladies!! Hopefully this can be a fun ladies outing! Nah! *laughs* Who am I kidding?

Dr. Frankie

Frankie: Athens! The girls are here!

Tiffany: We’re taking this bus thing for the tour. It is too far to walk *looks around for host* Oh here it comes!

Athens Tour Bus

Frankie: It feels really good outside! The breeze and all..

Annabel: So what’s going on ladies? Where exactly are we going Joc?

Jocelyn: We’re just touring the beautiful scenery of Athens, Anna

Frankie: I’m ready to see the architecture

Jocelyn: Oh yes the architecture is beautiful here. Really Greece as a is beautiful here.

Tiffany: Me too Frankie! I want to hear a little music too..So I can dance like Kermit the Frog

Annabel: *turns to Tiffany* You’re too much!! Kermit the frog? I’ve seen you dance at our event Tiff. You’re not that bad. *laughs*

Tiffany: *nods and smiles at Annabel*

Jocelyn Confessional

Jocelyn Confessional: It’s so weird being in the middle of this dynamic between Tiffany and Annabel! Come on and spill it already Tiffany!

Dr. Annabel Confessional

Annabel Confessional: Is there something going on that I don’t know about? Producer: What do you mean Annabel? What do you think is going on with Tiffany? Annabel: I don’t know but this cold shoulder game she’s got going on needs to stop. Let’s breathe some life back into the friendship.

Tiffany: So, how has the trip been for you Frankie?

Frankie: Mmm…. I wasn’t feeling the trip in the beginning but its come around after our talk and just going out snd seeing the Athens night life. Mommy guilt is increasing more and more everyday but I’m good.

Tiffany: How are your kids? Who’s watching them?

Frankie: They’re great actually. I spoke with them this morning but Jackie is watching them. It’s really nice that she has stepped in and helped me out

Tiffany: Oh okay, I just wasn’t sure if you had a strong support system. Despite what I’ve said about her, she’s a good woman for stepping up

Annabel: Well they’re a great couple Tiffany. I’m so happy for you Frankie.

Tiffany: Mhmm *nods and claps* Oh look! There’s a nice building!

Frankie: Yes! They love Jackie! It made me jealous a bit because of how much they’re bonding with each other.

Jocelyn: How’s Jackie?

Frankie: *looks at Joc* Pardon me?

Jocelyn: I was just wondering how Jackie was, especially since she was once a topic of conversation within the group at one point..

Frankie: I don’t think I should share considering you have so much to say about my relationship.

Jocelyn: True tea!

Frankie: Why ask and then turn around and be shady? Isn’t that the same thing Petra did to you? You also brought up the old situation with Pat which is super whack

Jocelyn: One, Petra was just manipulated. Something that’s still occurring and ask for the other thing I stated the obvious. *shrugs* I just don’t see how you were so quick to forgive her.

Annabel: Who’s manipulating Petra?

Jocelyn: The obvious, but she’s coming to her senses now after last night

Frankie: You’re just fake and extremely two faced. You don’t care so why ask? My thing with you is I FINALLY figured out why you have such a problem because you have something going on in your own personal life.

Jocelyn: Ah, you’ve expanded your compacted vocabulary. If we’re going by the logic you presented earlier, if things were going on in my life why would I share it with you? People who aren’t my friends?

Frankie: Oh no….you don’t HAVE to share baby. Your whole energy is toxic and nasty.

Jocelyn: For your information Donovan and I are fine if that’s what you’re trying to get to. And we called off the renewal because I wanted to focus on my amazing business venture.

Frankie: If you had such a beautiful life wouldn’t that be the energy we’d get from you?

Jocelyn: Was it toxic and nasty when we were “friends”? I don’t believe so. But I’ll let you continue these made up lies.

Frankie: It wasn’t! but YOUUU changed NOT ME.

Jocelyn: I’m sorry that you ladies are incapable of answering valid questions. I only go off what I’m given. If you’re offended then maybe this isn’t the group

Frankie: I have never given you that energy. You are just a bitch and it’s tiring every time I come around you.

Jocelyn: I don’t walk on 4 legs. That’s probably what Pat treats you like, her little bitch but that’s not me. If we aren’t friends, then let’s not be. I don’t give a damn, I was just asking how your friend was doing. We’re done, like okay girl! Let’s enjoy Athens and what it has to offer.

Frankie: We don’t have to be friends but BE REAL WITH YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CAN REAL WITH OTHERS. Period.

Jocelyn Confessional

Jocelyn Confessional: I was trying to be nice. I’m not the one pushing up on someone who clearly doesn’t likes me, trying to make amends. Hello? I’m sure she has enough going on. From the lies, to the dried semen. Please leave me alone

Jocelyn: I’m as real as they come. Which is probably why you get so upset about everything and throw a fit.

Tiffany: Alright, can we be done with this an actually enjoy a day here?

Frankie: Yes, let’s enjoy Greece without the shade.

Annabel: That’s what I’m saying!! Let’s have some fun! Spend up our credit cards and load up on gifts for everyone. I say we all bring a gift back to Pat. Let her know you want to move forward?

Jocelyn: Pat gets nothing from me. I’d buy a gift for Petra before Pat *laughs*

Dr. Frankie

Frankie: : I’m just tired of her and honestly the shade it’s just unnecessary now. She’s looking for issues wherever she can get it.

Camera pans from day to night and into a restaurant for the final dinner


Pat: *Pat walks to table*

Pat Confessional: Final dinner! This trip has been so up and down. I’ve finally kicked off my tour. I hope tonight’s dinner is calm. We’ve had so much drama, my throat is sore.


Jocelyn Confessional: I don’t think any trip I’ve been on with these ladies compared to the trip where we had dinner under the Eiffel Tower. Greece was beautiful but that was magical.

Jocelyn: *walks in* Well, what a vacation! *sits down at the table*

Pat: *sips water and looks around* Yup. Crazy stuff

Dr. Frankie

Frankie Confessional: Coming into this last dinner, I don’t have time for nonsense *laughing* I’m just ready to go the fuck home. I have spent wayyy too much time with these bitches but I must say, I did have a little fun here and there.

Frankie: *sees Pat* Hey Spicy Cinnamon! Boop! Boop! Boop! You are giving MUVA MUVA vibes! I love this hair! Velocity And Voluptuous!

Pat: You know I had to give VOLUME

Frankie Confessional: I see you Auntie Joc! Heyy girl! She is giving death with no parole. Whew, I hope she serves differently cause that face, ain’t it.

Dr. Annabel

Annabel: *walks up to the table and smiles* Hey ladies!! It’s our last night. This trip was crazy for lack of a better word but I think we all had some fun, right?


Courtney Confessional: at this point I think we’re just prolonging this damn trip. Like why are we still here. *makes confused face and laughs* good god almighty.

Courtney: *Walks in* Hello ladies. Everyone looks lovely.

Jocelyn: Annabel! No more bangs. Sis you are sexy

Annabel: Thanks Joc. Courtney actually helped me out tonight. So, *laughs*


Petra: *walks in* Hi

Dr. Tiffany

Tiffany: *walks in behind Petra* Good evening ladies

The Ladies greet each other and all have a seat at the table

Pat: Ladies, I took the liberty of ordering a bunch of appetizers and a signature cocktail for the night!

Annabel Confessional: I think before this trip ends I need to address what the hell has been going on with Tiffany. I mean she has no problem mouthing off what she feels about anyone in the group but with me the cats got her tongue. This ends tonight. We can’t go back to Twitter with this foolishness.

Annabel: Oh Pat!! Bring it on!! I know you ordered the best!!

Pat: Ladies, I wanna make a quick toast. *Stands up with glass* I want to thank all of you for coming on this trip with Petra and I. I honestly think this was the birth of our independence in a sense. I’m glad that we were able to experience this together. I know there’s been issues between all of us but I am truly happy you all are here *smiles* cheers!

Frankie: Cheers!

Petra: Thank you guys so much! Means the world! Thank you Pat!

Frankie: In the mood of light, life and positivity….. I just want us to put everything out there on the table because I don’t feel like everyone is being real *pours another drink*

Tiffany: Who’s not being real?

Courtney: *mumbles* Oh lord Jesus….

Frankie: In particular, my home girl, Auntie Jockstrap right here. We got into a little spat, but if you don’t fuck with me then don’t speak on or ask about me, and then bring up some messy shit behind it to back up your point.

Jocelyn: Don’t speak to me Frankenstein. You and that enormous head can stay mute

Frankie: Don’t speak than Joc, period.

Pat: *looks at Jocelyn* You have been miserable for a while though

Jocelyn: I said what I said and I’m not changing it for you or anyone else! If you want to let the one that accused you of rape hold, and kiss on your kids; then let it be! You’re just as ridiculous as the rest of em’

Pat: Jocelyn what the fuck is your issue. I’ve been nothing but great to you and you start all this mess

Jocelyn: Pat, oh really?

Pat: Yes really. I didn’t stutter

Frankie: This is what she does *makes face and impersonates Jocelyn* I’m a liar, I’m fake, I’m phony, I use people. Oh My GOD! Bringing up the “rape” allegation when it’s a sensitive topic. You are a bitter bitch who is mad that Donovan isn’t really checking for you anymore.

Jocleyn: You’ve been fake and like Petra said, you put little bits into people’s ears to create drama. And Frankie, you need to step down and sit back babygirl because this is not what you want.

Pat: Oh stop Jocelyn, I haven’t done anything to you this year. Yet here you are fucking with Frankie and my relationship

Jocelyn: You should be more concerned about paying your sugar kids their monthly allowance rather than trying to compete where you surely don’t compare

Frankie: Donovan has left the building. The vows aren’t renewed but he ran the entirety of your FICO score down.

Jocelyn: We can continue the lies. I speak the truth so all you can do is retaliate with lies. Frankie can’t keep a man. Pat can’t keep a man. Sit back girls

Pat: Yet your man is getting enough MEN for all of us

Jocelyn: Oh so you’re accusing him of being gay?

Frankie: *To Pat & Petra* Everyone’s lying but her and Donovan. This is what she does. Her favorite word is liar when shes the one living a lie.

Jocelyn: Frankie you were in denial about your ex being gay. Talk about living a lie. You tried to use him as a sperm bank but he found another man so you schemed and scammed your way to the adoption center to get them babies

Courtney: Wait a minute, this is ridiculous. Why are you worried though Frankie?

Frankie: Courtney. Are you serious? She literally has been talking MAD shit about and has commented on EVERYTHING about me. But I can’t say shit about her?

Courtney: Y’all need to quit. Y’all love to gang up on people.

Pat: *Laughs* GANG UP ON PEOPLE. Give me a fucking break!

Petra Confessional

Petra Confessional: Listen — I’m in a pretty good place with the ladies so imma let them duke it out tonight

Jocelyn: I don’t even have to compete with these bitches. They aren’t even on my level.

Annabel: Who gives a fuck about who’s living a lie and who’s not. What anyone does with their life is their business

Courtney: Y’all got to quit. You guys are doing too much. *laughs* you bitches are crazy. Joc doesn’t owe anybody any explanation!! Y’all worry about your lives, marriages or the lack thereof.

Jocelyn: Frankie can’t keep a man. She can’t keep a house. Nothing. It explains why she moved before the IRS caught up with her

Annabel: Joc. I love you girl but why are you so bothered with Pat and Frankie? Live your life. Fuck what everyone is saying. They don’t matter.

Jocelyn: I don’t know why the two bitches who can’t keep a man or woman is coming at me about mine. Do not dare try to ruin this institution


The Table sits quiet and shocked

Annabel: Pat and Petra invited us here to have a great time and you all just make matters worse. I’m tired of hearing you all speak. Talk about sisterhood, WHAT SISTERHOOD?! Why the hell are you all even here if you’ve got daggers to throw? How old are we? Look at yourselves! Is this how you want people to see you? Aren’t we part of the medical community? Damnit! I can’t take this anymore.

Tiffany: The same daggers you threw at me when I walked in? Those eyes told everything your mouth couldn’t

Petra Confessional

Petra Confessional: You know, I find it really funny Tiffany talks about Annabel “throwing daggers” when they met. I mean Annabel is like a My Little Pony. Tiffany was a straight cunt to me and Courtney when she met us.

Pat Confessional

Pat Confessional: I honestly have no clue what the deal is with Annabel and Tiffany, I guess we about to find out

Annabel: Tiffany. I’m sick of you now. Do you have something to say?

Tiffany: I actually do have something to say. I would rather say it to you privately but since the table is at attention, we can do it here

Jocelyn Confessional

Jocelyn Confessional: I hope this isn’t the moment Tiffany’s about to drop the bomb. Oh no!

Annabel: What is it? Have your moment since you’ve had plenty of chances to say it privately. But of course you choose an audience.

Jocelyn: Courtney, I don’t want to witness this

Tiffany: You have told all of these women that they’re ridiculous, childish, and don’t know how to act. However, the night of the gala- your own child told me that you’ve been cosplaying. You’re a reformed transphobe according to him and only recently have you accepted him.

Petra: *eyes widen* Tiffany, oh my god you’re so low dow

Pat: Jesus Fucking Christ. Tiffany you are out of LINE!

Pat Confessional: Ladies, Gentlemen and Non Binary friends, here is the real Tiffany. Low down and DIRTY

Tiffany: SHUT UP!

Annabel: And what’s your problem with that? I have paid for how I felt in the past. People change.

Tiffany: The problem is your son came to me and obviously felt uncomfortable. I don’t want to be involved in your family drama

Annabel: Yes. I was born into a world where that lifestyle wasn’t right. You don’t know what I’ve been through and why I’m the way I am now. So before you start trying to make me look bad vine to me first.

Petra Confessional: I cant even believe Tiffany is trying to come after Annabel in such a low down, dirty, personal way infront of everyone. I’m not going to let this happen. Annabel and I had a lovely conversation where she opened up to me about how she changed her views and opened her heart so she didnt lose her child *flashback to conversation* This is riduculous

Petra: Tiffany shut the fuck up! She’s changed

Tiffany: I’m not talking to the pet who has no voice in her marriage

Petra: Dont say her child feels “uncomfortable” Well maybe get the whole story before you say dumb bullshit like this!

Tiffany: You don’t have the whole story. So work on finding a career

Petra: Do you not realize how personal this is to her and a journey she’s still walking? Work on finding a soul.

Courtney Confessional

Courtney Confessional: Now when Tiffany was against me, Pat was a Tiffany Stan. Now Pat is….I can’t keep up with these bitches.

Annabel: I’ve made mistakes and I have grown. I’ve done so much and for you to come tonight and start this shit shows me exactly who you are. *takes a sip of wine and throws it in Tiffany’s face*I am done here. *gets up and starts to walk away*


Jocelyn: *sees Tiffany drenched in wine* Oh no!

Tiffany: *waiter runs in with a towel to dry Tiffany off*

Frankie Confessional: I thought they were going to argue back and fourth a little but then make up. But Tiff is talking craziness! This a bit much for me because Tiffany has been holding onto this information for a minute now and never mentioned it to poor Annabel. This shit is crazy.

Pat: *Follows Annabel* Annabel wait!

Annabel: I’m sorry Pat. But I won’t be around this. I didn’t sign up for this. *points to camera crew* I’m done. Take these out of my face.

Tiffany: You signed up to show your real life. You’re just as ridiculous as you’ve tried to make us!

Frankie follows Annabel out

Annabel: *takes mic off* I cannot believe her. She’s despicable. That fucking bitch. What is wrong with her?

Pat: I know, I know. Breathe.

Annabel: I can’t believe this. After all the work I’ve done Pat. *cries*

Frankie: Annabel, I am so sorry!

Annabel: Frankie I’m just ready to go home. For her to use that as a weapon against me just wasn’t fair. I don’t hide my past. My son loves me for who I’ve become. But did she even think to ask that?

Courtney Confessional: As much as I don’t like Tiffany, I hate seeing a woman get humiliated. It is worse when it’ll be on national television.I’m going to help her. Just know I still want to drag her.

Courtney: *helps Tiffany clean up* I’m so sorry this happened. Nobody deserves this….

Tiffany: I’d rather you not be here Courtney, I don’t have time for the jokes

Petra: *walks out and side eyes Courtney*

Petra Confessional: Tiffany and Courtney roll like that now? *laughs a bit* okay.

Dr. Tiffany Confessional

Tiffany Confessional: I fully expected the women to take Annabel’s side. This isn’t how I expected to tell her, but I won’t be talked to like someone’s 16 year old when they not long ago, despised their child’s existence. They can feel how they want.

NEXT TIME ON Married To Medicine Twitter: Some of the Ladies return to Twitter after a crazy Trip; While on tour in the UK, Pat gets information about her agreement with Tom; Frankie has a much needed conversation with Vince; Courtney worries about impending charges; At Jocelyn’s Wine Cellar opening she tries to amend fences with Petra and a special guest tries to destroy the evening.

In Memory of our friend Emil. Thank you for bringing Dr. Annabel to Married to Medicine: Twitter. We are grateful for the moments we had with you and we will never forget you. “Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.” We will miss you forever.




"Married to Medicine: Twitter" Season 6 coming Memorial Day! Check out Seasons 1–5 Now! RP Show #M2MTwitter